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Meet Our New Auckland Regional Manager

Auckland Team News 13 September 2023


"Once a Cook Brother, always a Cook Brother"

When it comes to teamwork, there's something truly exceptional about creating a lasting impact that draws people back again and again.

Nine years ago, Mike Jones was a Project Manager for Cook Brothers Construction before venturing off into various avenues, both home and abroad. But there was always something calling him back. In his time away Mike has not only expanded on his incredible range of skills, but has moved to a new level of construction knowledge and flexed his entrepreneurial skills.

We were elated to welcome Mike back to the Cook Brothers team this year, feeling the same affinity to the values and culture he loved all those years ago. Settling into the Auckland team, Mike quickly established himself as a senior leader. It made perfect sense that when the call came for a Regional Manager to lead the team, Mike stepped up. 

As Regional Manager Mike is determined to forge a way forward for this dynamic region. To Mike, "Cook Brothers really believes in people, and being an RM is special". With his incredible drive and passion, Mike leads our team, a "great bunch of people," towards the many opportunities up for grabs; "There's no mountain worth climbing if you're not willing to conquer it." 

We can't wait to see the results of this team as they build on this drive and thrive on the challenges and opportunities of the future. 

Take a look at his story below: